Andrew Wilson is Hak Ja Han’s spokesperson. He says: “Scriptures like the Bible were written by men so the women are disadvantaged. What was Noah’s wife’s name? How about Lot’s wife? So why don’t we know these important women’s names? Because the Bible was written by men and women weren’t very important.” "Women have been suffering for the last 6000 years because men have been denigrating women throughout history ever since the Fall."
Father teaches that Noah’s wife was a monumental failure for not supporting her husband. We don’t need to know her name. Wilson is a Unificationist feminist who hates the Bible because he sees it as written by sexist misogynist men who want to "denigrate" women. The term “Unificationist feminist” is an oxymoron but that is how he sees himself and therefore 7 billion people will think he represents the FFWPU because he is their official, public voice. Wilson agrees with the pioneer feminist Elizabeth Cady Stanton who said: “The Bible and the Church have been the greatest stumbling blocks in the way of women’s emancipation.”
Here is an example of a Christian feminist. (another oxymoron). What she writes is what Andrew believes. If you are a member of FFWPU and do not like what you going to read here then you should jump ship.
Feminist theologian — Rosemary Radford Ruether
One of the most outspoken and influential feminist theologians in the late 20th century was Rosemary Radford Ruether. She writes that men are absolutely evil because of patriarchy and women are absolute victims of all men. Women are so wonderful that they should be in charge instead of men who have shown themselves to be monsters. In her book, Women-Church, she bashes men by saying they all have “flashing eyes and smoking nostrils.” She repeats this phrase over and over. There is no gray area. Men are simply the scum of the earth who have raped and pillaged until there is little left to women. Ruether is coming to the rescue of all women who are all victims of the absolute viciousness of men. She writes book after book pounding away at patriarchy.
One of the most outspoken and influential feminist theologians in the late 20th century was Rosemary Radford Ruether. She writes that men are absolutely evil because of patriarchy and women are absolute victims of all men. Women are so wonderful that they should be in charge instead of men who have shown themselves to be monsters. In her book, Women-Church, she bashes men by saying they all have “flashing eyes and smoking nostrils.” She repeats this phrase over and over. There is no gray area. Men are simply the scum of the earth who have raped and pillaged until there is little left to women. Ruether is coming to the rescue of all women who are all victims of the absolute viciousness of men. She writes book after book pounding away at patriarchy.
She writes that women are “the excluded half of the human race, the excluded gender from the tradition of the Church.” Churches are “temples of patriarchy” who worship the “idol of masculinity, the idol of father-rule.” Men have made God a “King, Warrior, God of Power and Might” who crushes the “lowly” and “teaches the little ones of the earth to cower in fear and self-hatred.”
If God were seen as feminine, “as Mother, as Helper, as Friend, as Liberator” then men would stop being “rulers who command, warriors who kill, judges who punish.” She says “women, children and the poor” are “the timid and gentle creatures of the earth” who are “degraded, disgraced” and “ruled over.” They are “crushed and reduced to silence so that men can be as God.” Patriarchy is a blasphemy: “the blasphemies and lies of this great idol of patriarchy with its flashing eyes and smoking nostrils.” Men are “inhuman” who have a “mechanical voice.” Men are obsessed with the idea that only leaders can have “balls, male genitalia.” Men build churches to worship the “phallic power” of God and Christ: “Only the male can rise in the phallic pulpit to bring down the seminal word upon the prone body of the people, the women and children waiting passively below to receive it ... Women are impotent, castrated, lacking in seminal power. They cannot act; they can only receive and should be grateful for what they receive.”
She thinks that men have never believed women have ever groveled enough and so need to be constantly punished: “If women are not grateful, they shall be punished. Indeed, they have never been grateful, but have always been rebellious. In the very beginning woman was the cause of all our troubles. It was she who brought sin and death into the world; she who caused us to lose paradise and to be forced to earn our living by the sweat of our brow. For this reason woman is to be punished through all of history. She is to be silent and to serve us in all meekness, shamed, and ridiculed into silence. If she will not be shamed and silenced, she will be taught by force.”
She then lists a few of the many tortures women have suffered from men: “A million women, twisted on the racks of Christian torture chambers, were bound in sacks and tossed into rivers, hung on gibbets or thrown into fires to teach them this lesson of shame and silence. In every minute of the day and night, women scream and stifle sobs of pain as they are beaten, stabbed, and raped in back alleys and in their own homes, to teach them this lesson, this lesson of shame and silence.”
She says men think they own their woman’s body and think that she “should be ever sexually available.” Men see women as slaves whose “wombs and ovaries belong to the husbands who impregnate them” and “to priests and doctors who make the rules of birth and death.”
Ruether says that women are rising up in their defense and denouncing men’s inhumanity. God, she writes, is really a “Goddess” who did not create the “idol” of patriarchy. Jesus is “our brother” who “did not come to this earth to manufacture this idol.” He came to “put down the mighty from their thrones” and replace them with women who are last that shall be first. Jesus came to “uplift the lowly.” Men have incorrectly seen Christ as approving of “rape, genocide, and war.”
Women “cry out: Horror, blasphemy, deceit, foul deed!” to men who have twisted Jesus into a warrior who delights in hurting women and children. Men have created a “nightmare salvation.” Women are now making an exodus from this sick world men have created: “we flee from the smoking altars where women’s bodies are sacrificed.” Women are beginning to “cover our ears to blot out the inhuman voice” coming from the man in the pulpit.
Women now “flee the thundering armies of Pharaoh. We are not waiting for a call to return to the land of slavery to serve as altar girls in the temple of patriarchy. No! We call our brothers also to flee from the temples of patriarchy. ... We call our brothers to join us in exodus from the land of patriarchy, to join in our common quest for that promised land, where there will be no more war, no more burning children, no more violated women, no more discarded elderly, no more rape of the earth.”
Patriarchy must be eradicated: “Let us break up that great idol and grind it into powder; dismantle the great Leviathan of violence and misery who threatens to destroy the earth.” When we finally get rid of men leading then we can “transform” the earth into a paradise of “peace and plenty” where “all the children of earth can sit down together at the banquet of life.”
I don’t think Rosemary Reuther and Andrew Wilson see Bible, men and human history (especially Christian history) correctly.
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