Monday, December 21, 2015

Jon: Is Larry Moffitt Well Rounded?

Larry Moffitt writes, “Jon calls himself a traditionalist, but many of us see him as a knuckle-dragging troglodyte, and pity the women under his thumb. I see myself as a fairly well-rounded man, in touch with all aspects of my sexuality, including the masculine and, to a lesser degree, the feminine.”
Larry, many years ago you were there at HH when I came on. I did not have books then. I had a website with my traditional worldview. Since then I have put those thoughts into published books. I spent everyday for one month at Ron Beatteay’s forum battling it out with everyone there. Sydelle Enyeart came on recently here and blasted away at me like she did back then. She hates my guts. Every time I have ever had dialogue with the church for over thirty years on this I have created a firestorm of emotion. My wife and I had 5 articles in the UNews 21 years ago in 1994 on this and there was a firestorm. The articles were titled “The Divine Order for Men and Women.” You can read those articles at
Cheryl Wetzstein, Marilyn Morris and others wrote against our stand for Ephesians 5 and Tyler Hendricks stopped us after 5 months because there was so much anger against us. We were told by some that we were not true members and we were hurting the movement. When Hyung Jin Nim taught Ephesians 5 at his workshop this year I sobbed. And I have been doing a lot of crying and weeping this year.
Larry Christenson in The Christian Family says about the old-fashioned values in the Bible, “The whole teaching is dismissed as a foolish vaunting of the ‘male ego,’ a Neanderthal vestige which our enlightened age has happily outgrown. The Bible, however, has no desire to exalt any ego, male or female. The Divine Order set forth for the family serves the elemental purpose of protection, spiritual protection. A husband’s authority and a wife’s submissiveness to that authority, is a shield of protection against Satan’s devices. Satan knows this, and that is why he uses every wile to undermine and break down God’s pattern of Divine Order for the family.”
Larry, you and your fellow feminist buddies like Dan Fefferman have to deal with Hyung Jin Nim instead of little ole me. I am a nobody. He is a spiritual giant. He will end up crushing the FFWPU feminist agenda ofAndrew Wilson's unprincipled "co-authoritative subject partner" paradigm for marriage. You are all dupes of Satan and therefore will fade away like Kmart and Hyung Jin Nim will be the Walmart that dominates. Your days are numbered. When I was at HH you said you did not like the idea of women in combat. Maybe I am wrong but that is what I remember you telling me. About women police officers placed in danger you said you were sitting on the fence on that. I challenged you then to see how that was illogical. Cops are in front line combat with bad guys and many female cops have been beaten and died. But the death of these women mean little to feminists. They see this as human advancement. Mankind is finally getting enlightened and rejecting the biblical and common sense values of men protecting the “weaker sex.” So are you passionate like Dan about Second Gen sisters at West Point and support Mother’s praise of women in combat? Do you agree with what I have written in my posts against putting women in harm’s way? If not, give me one sentence I have written that is false and explain why. Oh, and BTW, Ron Beatteay was not “moderately irritated” with me.
This debate over what is godly masculinity is the core difference between Sanctuary and Federation. And it is the difference between the liberal and conservative branches of all religions. Religious conservatives like the Southern Baptists and Mormons are in the minority now but their values were the norm for thousands of years. The four men at Mt. Rushmore are now seen as “knuckle-dragging troglodytes” by the majority in our feminist culture. The truth is that the wives of those four famous men in America history loved their wives. Those men would never have dreamed of putting the women in their lives in harm's way to protect other men. I pity the women in FFWPU. The so-called men there encourage Second Gen sisters to go to West Point where they are trained to lead men into battle. Real men don’t do that. Juvenile delinquent boys do that. You call Hyung Jin a “boy.” You are the boy. He is a real man and he teaches what it means to be a real man. I am a student of his and support his crusade to wake up the FF and the world from its feminist spell.
You are not in touch with your sexuality of being a man. You and all your fellow feminist buddies are girlie men. You are either a real man as Hyung Jin Nim teaches or you are a wimp and coward. In this spiritual war between you and Hyung Jin Nim, he is the one teaching and living the truth. Hyung Jin Nim boldly and correctly says there is no gray. It is black and white, good and evil, right and wrong, God and Satan. And your male bashing Han Mother Queen is no match against the Second King who relishes his true masculinity. Wake up, Larry and do as the Bible says, “Act like a man” (1 Corinthians 16). Do as Hyung Jin Nim teaches and be the priest, the head of your family. Reject the satanic worldview of Andrew Wilson and Dan Fefferman’s unisex, androgynous, egalitarian, weak and unprincipled crusade to denounce the idea of a vertical relationship between a man and wife and then put women in harm’s way. Your criticism of me and traditional values is projection. You are the Neanderthal. You and all the rest of the lost and sexually confused at FFWPU need to humble yourselves to the magnificent couple who are like True Parents on earth. They teach and live the exact opposite of Andrew and Dan. They are anti-feminists.
I remember you agreeing with me at HH those many years ago about the insanity and lunacy of deliberately putting women in combat. Have you changed your mind now that your leader has pushed for women to be in combat and all your friends believe in putting women in harm’s way to defend other men? If you are still sitting on the fence about women cops then be a strong man and get off the fence and take a stand for chivalry. Grow up Larry and humble yourself to Hyung Jin Nim. Here is a video of some of his politically incorrect teachings on the meaning of true masculinity that is 180 degrees opposite of your idea of what it means to be a true man.
Hyung Jin Moon teaches that a "real man" studies scripture and teaches his wife. He uses Ephesians 5 and Emerson Eggerichs to teach that men need to…

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