Tuesday, March 22, 2016


Fraud is defined as “a person who is not what he or she pretends to be : impostor.” An impostor is “one that assumes false identity or title.” Hak Ja Han is an impostor Messiah. She is counterfeit. She also is the fake leader of the FFWPU which is a fake organization. Hyung Jin Nim has fired all the leaders and disbanded the organization. His organization, WPUS, is the true Unification Movement.
The true successor of Sun Myung Moon is his son, not his wife. Father had Hyung Jin Nim and Yeonah Nim perform Blessing ceremonies without him or his wife in the room. He did not have his wife perform Blessing ceremonies all by herself while he was in another room. He wrote a Will that we can see on video where he and his wife praise Hyung Jin Nim and strongly say that anyone who does not accept him as his successor is a “heretic and destroyer”. Hyung Jin Nim’s mother has become a heretic and has destroyed her husband’s theology, books and traditions. She has left her position as object to her husband and object to her son. She has created a matriarchy while we learn in the Constitution that God’s plan is for a Kingdom of Heaven on Earth and there will always be a patriarch, a King. All mankind is object to the King who is in the position of subject. God is a patriarch, the Messiah, the King of Kings, is a patriarch, the successor Kings are patriarchs such as Hyung Jin Moon as the Second King, and every man is the king of his household who makes the final decisions for his family.
The FFWPU is a sham, a hoax. It is like “Satan, the deceiver of the whole world.” Hyung Jin Nim teaches we are in a spiritual battle in the Last Days. God wants his people to be warriors who fight the good fight. It is a time of judgment. Synonyms for judgment are discernment, common sense, wisdom, reason and logic. Hyung Jin Nim teaches his supporters to discern between good and evil. Sanctuary is a place of discernment, common sense and logic.
We are called to judge evil. Jesus said, “Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life. He does not come into judgment.” (John 5) God’s word is given by Hyung Jin Nim and Yeonah Nim. He judges his mother and her satanic organization. “Now is the judgment of this world; now will the ruler of this world be cast out.” (John 12:30)
Those in the Federation and in Sanctuary believe Father is the Messiah but we are in a civil war and the victor will be Hyung Jin Nim. Some in the Federation think they don’t have to fight. They are naïve and unable to discern good and evil and too weak to fight.
The leader of FFWPU, Hak Ja Han is illegitimate. The Federation will die out because it rejects the Second King, the legitimate heir. War is harsh. Other words for harsh are “unpleasantly rough or jarring to the senses, grating, strident, brazen, bold, loud, pushy”. This is the ultimate drama. One side is like a Clint Eastwood action movie and the other is some Woody Allen psychological mess. One side is patriarchal and the other matriarchal. One side is strong and the other weak. One side is bold and of good courage. The other side refuses to fight and childishly acts like the 1960s Make Love, Not War hippies. These sheeple think that anyone who criticizes them is mean and vicious and unsophisticated. They misinterpret the passion for freedom at Sanctuary as “anger”. They misinterpret the absolute black and white language at Sanctuary as hype and hyperbole and long to sing Kumbaya around the campfire after a tearful bridge ceremony. They see themselves as nuanced and complicated. They reject the masculine pronouns for God and struggle with finding new pronouns like He/She for their two Gods. They pray to Heavenly Mother but want their cake and eat it too and believe they are monotheistic.
The Federation is so weak the leaders hide behind their Mother’s skirt sucking their thumbs in fear of acting like men and debating leaders at Sanctuary. The Constitution from Sanctuary is bold and the Constitution from the Federation is a disaster. Mankind has two values systems, two diametrically opposed worldviews of feminism vs. anti-feminism. The truth will win and it will set us free of Satan’s lies. The Federation is lazy. It has blind faith because thinking is hard.


Grown-up is defined as “not childish or immature.” I have spent a year saying the main difference between Sanctuary and the Federation is between the ideologies of feminism and anti-feminism. I still believe that is true but I have come to feel there is an ever deeper difference that is still part of the feminist/anti-feminist divide. I think our deeply confused brothers and sisters at Federation are spiritual kids. They are childish and immature. Feminists are immature and anti-feminists are mature.
It is extremely frustrating talking to supporters of Hak Ja Han. It is like being in a Hollywood science fiction movie where there are only a few who know that the many are enslaved and do their best to wake them up to the spell they are under. Hyung Jin Nim is like Neo in The Matrix who has come to tell us the awful truth of his Mother’s betrayal and the traitors who surround her in the Palace. Hyung Jin Nim is like Jack Bauer in “24”. He is like the man who leads a few to safety in the Poseidon Adventure. Some members of my family love The 10th Kingdom. There is a priceless scene where a character gets exasperated by the craziness of the Alice in Wonderland like world he is trapped in and blurts out, “What is wrong with you people!” The Federation is like The 10th Kingdom.
What is wrong with those at the Federation? Hyung Jin Nim has given over 50 sermons that brilliantly and logically teach the truth and Andrew Wilson and company just don’t get it. They see him as out of control, angry, woman hating, out of date, mean, and disrespectful of his Mother who can do no wrong. She is perfect and he is not. Everything she does is of God and her husband in spirit world supports her. Andrew Wilson says he knows Hak Ja Han better than her son. Some from the Federation say they know “Mother” better than Hyung Jin Nim and Yeonah Nim. It boggles the mind to hear them say this. Of course, mankind will believe Hyung Jin Nim over Andrew Wilson who is “Mother’s” mouthpiece when they find Hyung Jin Nim’s videos and Andrew Wilson’s videos and writings.
There are a few exceptions but for the most part it is impossible to have a coherent conversation about all the accusations Hyung Jin Nim makes about his mother with her supporters. They have ridiculous, irrational comebacks but mostly you can’t have a thoughtful dialogue because they are more concerned about feelings than ideas. Love is greater than laws they like to repeat over and over again. They are bored to death with the list of wrongs Hyung Jin Nim gives. They don’t give a damn which chair she sits in. They don’t give a shit if she rewrites a book or changes the name of God. She could come out today and say she wants to call God “Bob and Susan” and they would unthinkingly go along. “Sure, Mom. Whatever you say.” Why do they act like this? Because she is the True Mother.
Richard Panzer challenges Mike Balcomb to come out from behind Mother’s skirt and debate him. There is dead silence from Mike. I have been thinking lately that the reason the Federation will not even acknowledge Hyung Jin Nim exists let alone publicly debate him is because they are spiritually like very small children. They have adult bodies and do some adult things that require an adult mind but when it comes to their “True Mother” they are all in kindergarten. When you start talking about their mother they become unable to think. They only have childlike feelings. All they see is a son of hers pointing his finger and he seems to be mad at his mother. It really isn’t True Mother. To them she is “Mommy”. When Hyung Jin Nim criticizes his mother they see him as being a brother who is being mean and disrespectful to mommy. Kids don’t talk back to mommy; they obey her completely without thought. To them everything is wonderful in their home with mommy and Hyung Jin Nim is being a bad boy who needs a time-out. How difficult is it for a wise, mature elder brother to tell his little brothers and sisters that mommy has left daddy and he is in charge? They would get discombobulated and blurt out, “No. I love mommy. She makes me feel safe. You are scaring me. I don’t understand all this adult talk about values and theology. I know I just love my mommy and whatever she says we should do it. So, please stop saying vicious and unkind and unloving things about mommy.”
Knowing that Mike Mickler is a little boy and Libby Henkin is a little girl when it comes to their mommy makes it easier to accept how they are so focused on how Sanctuary is a place of meanies. They see Hyung Jin Nim as cold prickly and Andrew Wilson as warm fuzzy. They are holding their teddy bears and never question anything their grown-up mommy tells them. Just analyzing what she said is unthinkable. Kids don’t analyze or talk back to mommy.


The main difference between Sanctuary and Federation is that one side is Religious Conservative and the other is Religious Liberal. The same division is going on in Christianity. Why? Because we are in the Last Days. God is on one side and Satan is on the other. There is no gray. Every person has a choice to make over who has the authority to change blood lineage – mother or son.
One of the differences between Conservatives and Liberals is their style of debate. Conservatives are logical; Liberals are emotional. Conservatives have reason, logic and common sense. They can even give scientific proof their values are practical and true. These things mean nothing to a Liberal. They won’t deal with facts. Liberals always accuse Conservatives of being mean. They see themselves as loving and caring. They have big hearts. This is where the term “Bleeding heart Liberals” comes from. They feel Conservatives are Neanderthals stuck in the past with their “traditional” values which were really values of hate for women, the poor and the environment.
Here is a perfect example of how Liberals can’t think clearly and quickly resort to their epithet of “mean”. A brother wrote these true words of logical truth on an Internet forum:
Replacing the name "Heavenly Father" by "Heavenly Parent(s)" was a clear rejection of True Father by Hak Ja Han.
She did not offer any substantial reasons or explanations for the sudden change. How could she?
Hak Ja Han's promotion of her fallen lineage and the creation of a new Theology teaching that she came as another Messiah on her own thru a sinless birth contradicts 100% True Father's words and the whole Biblical narrative.
Today, feminist theologians like Andrew Wilson are busy promoting a new worldview at Hak Ja Han's Family Fed international events.
Meanwhile, once again God has moved His lineage away from this desecration.”
A Federation sister responds saying Mother is true and everyone should obey her. A brother from Sanctuary retorts that to accept everything Hak Ja Han says “just because she is the one saying it, without any logic whatsoever but only based on our feelings and love towards her, is not right. It's actually pretty dumb.”
Another brother from Sanctuary tells a sister from Federation: “It is very clear in the Divine Principle and throughout True Father's words that the name of God is Heavenly Father. True Mother's words are judged by True Father's words. If you truly have faith in True Father, you need to speak out for what he said. Satan loves confusion. Read the DP again. It says clearly in black and white why we call God, our Father. You wrote:" we need to study and let the DP guide us the truth is there. " Then do it . Do not speak from both sides of your mouth. There is no grey area. If TF was here, this nonsense would not be taking place. … Although Mother did this, many members of the Family Fed can't force themselves to talk to God like this. All of the billions of people who have properly addressed God as our Heavenly Father will also never call Him something else.”
The sister gets defensive and says, “I have faith in TF and TM hence I believe in the TP we cannot have one without the other … that is so judgmental of you. I was expressing my sincerely held belief. Why are you so mean?”
Has this brother said anything “mean”? He is very measured and calm but firm. He then responds to her saying he is not mean: “You can't say on one end that we need to follow what the Divine Principle says and on the other end not to follow what it says. That is called RELATIVISM. True Father says in the DP that the name of God is FATHER. What is there to talk about? I am not being mean. I am just pointing out a contradiction in what you are saying. Why are we questioning month after month what TF said so clearly?”
There are those at the Federation who will never be able to see that this brother is not mean. Simply disagreeing with them makes you mean, nasty, vicious and heartless. Is it “mean” to call someone mean when they aren’t?


The Constitution of the United States of Cheon Il Guk begins by saying there is an absolute principle, a divine principle, that men are subjects and women are objects: “Principle I: The division of the sexes being ordained by God where man is the subject partner and woman is the object partner, congress shall pass no law that contradicts this divine edict.”
Feminism is the ideology of Satan that blurs the roles of men and women.
What does this one sentence mean? Does it have anything to do with the biblical principle of the headship of men in the family as taught in the Bible? Hyung Jin Nim says “Family Fraud is divorced from the Biblical context and providence.” (2-7-2016)
How do we manifest this principle in the Constitution in our daily life

Jon Quinn: Culture War

The Unification Movement is not united. There is a division between two sides. One believes the wife of the Messiah has the sole authority to Bless marriages and change a person’s blood lineage from Satan’s to God’s. The other side believes the Messiah’s youngest son has the sole authority to give the Blessing. In this division there is no gray. There is no third way. Mankind has a choice between two ideologies, two conflicting worldviews. If 7 billion people want to learn what each side believes they will find it atYouTube.com. Sun Myung Moon’s wife, Hak Ja Han, at the Federation refuses to even acknowledge her son’s new movement and 7 billion people will find her spokesperson, Andrew Wilson, who has given several speeches on YouTube.com on how they differ from the teachings of Sun Myung Moon’s son, Hyung Jin Moon. Hyung Jin Nim has given over 50 speeches on YouTube since his sermon “Breaking the Silence” given January 18, 2015.
There are a number of issues both sides disagree on. To me, the main difference is their view of the Bible, especially the New Testament. Andrew teaches that the Bible was written by men who do not value women and human history has been a patriarchy that oppressed women. He believes Hak Ja Han has come to save women from being abused slaves to men. He proclaims she is showing herself to be a great leader and now it is time to end the patriarchy that loves aggression and war and create a matriarchy where women can bring heart, love and compassion to the world. When there is a matriarchy mankind will finally achieve world peace, i.e., peace and unity between men and women, peace and unity in the family, peace and unity in the church and in the state. This ideology is called feminism.
Hyung Jin Nim teaches the Bible is the word of God and Scripture. He teaches that putting women in power will not bring world peace. He teaches the traditional, biblical marriage. One book he uses at his Blessing workshop to teach the patriarchal family is Emerson Eggerichs’ book and videos titled “Love & Respect” that elaborates on Ephesians 5. Andrew speaks strongly against Ephesians 5 that says the husband is the head of his wife and makes the final decisions for the family. This ideology is called anti-feminism.
Therefore the difference mankind will find when they watch the YouTube videos is the difference between anti-feminist patriarchy and feminist matriarchy.


The main difference between the Federation and Sanctuary is their diametrically opposed value systems. This is graphically seen in the difference between Hak Ja Han and Yeonah Nim. One is feminist and the other is anti-feminist.
Nancy Reagan, the wife of President Reagan, died and USA TODAY newspaper had a headline “Nancy Reagan, protector of former president's legacy, dies at 94”. Like Hak Ja Han, she had a 52 year marriage. At biography.com we read that she spent her last years after her husband died “dedicating much of her time to the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library.” This is why USA TODAY had their headline say she was the “protector of former president's legacy.” She is the exact opposite of Hak Ja Han who attacked her husband’s library and desecrated his words when she was supposed to protect his words.
The Federation does not understand what Father meant by Age of Women. To them Hillary Clinton would be an outstanding role model for the Age of Women. She left the White House as First Lady in Washington D.C. and moved away from her husband to New York and became a U.S. Senator. To the Federation this is wonderful. Nancy Reagan gave up her career as an actress when she married and spent her life being her husband’s helper. Yeonah Nim teaches that the Bible says a woman is to be he husband’s helper and she is doing a magnificent job. When Father spoke of the Age of Women he meant the Age of Conservative Anti-Feminist Women; not the Age of Liberal Feminist Women.
Former first lady Nancy Reagan, the indispensable partner and protector of a Republican icon who was vilified for worshipping luxury even as she nudged…

Friday, March 4, 2016


In the “Constitution for the United States of Cheon Il Guk” it states that Hyung Jin Moon is “the Crowned Successor and Representative Body of the Cosmic True Parents of Heaven and Earth and full Inheritor of the Kingship of God.” God is a King. That is why Hyung Jin Nim teaches we call God “Heavenly Father” or “our Father” as the Exposition of the Divine Principle teaches. The Constitution says, “Sun Myung Moon–The True Father, the Messiah, Lord at the Second Advent and King of Kings.” Father is the Messiah because he fulfills the role of Adam to be a true father. Heavenly Father did not go to Eve after the Fall. He went to Adam because the leader takes responsibility for the follower.
The job of the Messiah is to bring the truth of the Divine Principle that will save mankind. Adam’s position was to be the King of a Kingdom of Heaven on earth and there would be a succession of Kings forever. Adam was supposed to the King of Kings. Jesus came to fulfill that role but became the Second Adam and the world had to wait 2000 years for God to prepare the world to accept the Third and final Adam. Sun Myung Moon is the Lord of the Second Advent, the King of Kings.
There are never two heads of any organization. There are not two heads of God, two heads of the Messiah, or two heads of households. The word used to describe this focus on masculine leadership is patriarchy. Satan’s ideology is the opposite. Its focus is on weakening, emasculating and castrating masculinity. It is the ideology of matriarchy.
The Constitution says, “Authority of the King: The King of CIG is the head of state of the United States of CIG. The Kingship is bequeathed from the Lord of the Second Advent Moon Sun Myung to his son Moon Hyung Jin as second King and then to Moon Shin Joon as third King. The Kingship will be bequeathed henceforth to a son of the presiding King. If the King has no son then the Kingship will be bequeathed to a male heir within the direct lineage of Moon Hyung Jin. The King will decide who his inheritor is and will establish the order of succession.”
There are no Queens in power in the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. There is no Queendom of Heaven on Earth and no Kingdom and Queendom of Heaven on Earth. It is patriarchal with one male head of God as Heavenly Father, a lineage of male leadership as Kings of the world and only men as heads of their households. There is no co-leaders and no female leaders as God, as the Messiah, as the King of the world and as leaders of families.
Mrs. Sun Myung Moon presented a public image of object to her husband as subject but immediately after he passed she usurped the position of King. She sat in her husband’s chair and fired Hyung Jin because he would not pray in the name of her ditheistic God. Hyung Jin Nim pleaded with her not to be a feminist that emasculates God and men but she slapped him in the face and kicked him out. Hyung Jin Nim went into the wilderness of rural Pennsylvania and waited until it was evident with anyone who has eyes to see and ears to hear that his mother was on a feminist power trip.
He and Kook Jin Nim state in the Constitution that there has been a “failure of Han Mother at the final hour, the world moves through a period of judgment instead of blessing and the providence has been extended over three generations to the Three Kingships of God.” The future Kings of the world will be in the blood lineage of Sun Myung Moon. We read: “I, Hyung Jin Moon, take my rightful place as King of the Second Kingship of the Kingdom of God, Cheon Il Guk, as the Crowned Successor and Representative Body of the Cosmic True Parents of Heaven and Earth and full Inheritor of the Kingship of God, with all the authority endowed in me by my Father, Sun Myung Moon—The True Father, Messiah, Lord at the Second Advent and King of Kings.”
Hyung Jin has publicly fired his mother and every leader in her defunct organization, FFWPU, and has started a true organization, WPUS, or Sanctuary Church for short. Heavenly Father and True Father want every person on earth and in spirit world and every person born in the future to support Hyung Jin Nim and the future Kings from his blood lineage. God and Father want Hak Ja Han to repent of her rebellion and support her son as the Second King. There is not supposed to be a break in the patriarchal line of authority from Sun Myung Moon. There will always be a King on earth and he and his wife will be representative True Parents. We now have the magnificent couple of Hyung Jin and Yeonah Moon as the representative True Parents from Father’s blood lineage. All mankind is called to humble themselves to their leadership. Yeonah Nim has publicly bowed to her son and pledged she will not usurp his position if her husband dies before her. Her mother-in-law should do the same as Yeonah who is acting like a true woman who respects the teachings of Subject and Object in the Divine Principle and the words of Sun Myung Moon. She teaches this concept by using a sports analogy. The husband is like a head coach and the wife is like an assistant coach. Sanctuary Church teaches this vertical relationship of leadership and authority. Federation teaches the exact opposite. They have been digested by the feminist culture that Satan is the ruler of.
Hyung Jin Nim teaches that the Bible is scripture and denounces his mother’s mouthpiece, Andrew Wilson, and all those at the fraudulent FFWPU for rejecting the truth of Ephesians 5. In the Constitution we read: “The division of the sexes being ordained by God where man is the subject partner and woman is the object partner, congress shall pass no law that contradicts this divine edict.”
Long live the King!

Jon Quinn: I AM HAPPY

Hyung Jin Nim teaches Ephesians 5 at his Blessing Workshop. All Fathers should teach it to their children as a core value for a happy marriage. He also teaches Emerson Eggerichs’ book “Love & Respect” which is a must read and every Father should teach this book. Emerson spends hundreds of pages and 6 hours of his video series on just one verse of Ephesians 5. Books change lives. Emerson’s book changed my life for the better when I found it several years ago. It made me a happier person. One of the biggest breakthroughs in my life was discovering the book “Fascinating Womanhood” by Helen Andelin over 30 years ago. I was a feminist and her book started me on the road to be an ant-feminist. At the time I found her book it had a pink cover. It now has a green cover. Tammy Tammy O'Brien held the book recently at Hyung Jin Nim’s Sanctuary Church and talked about how it changed her life and she is now teaching it at Sanctuary.
Over 30 years ago my wife had copies of this book all over our house and was giving it out to friends. One day, I was sitting on a chair and there was a copy of the book on the end table. I am a voracious reader but I had no interest in it. But spirit world pushed me to start reading it. I was mesmerized. She mentioned her husband, Aubrey, had a book for men, and I rushed to the library and devoured it. (Man of Steel and Velvet) Since then I have read many books on men/women relationships and quote some of them in my books. My wife and I have been severely criticized for over 30 years for pushing these books that uplift Ephesians 5. You cannot imagine what I felt when Hyung Jin boldly taught it as a core value. Andrew Wilson has taught feminism that rejects Ephesians 5 as “backward” and “out of date” for many years and the FFWPU has been feminist for decades.
Another writer who has influenced me is Dennis Prager. He teaches we are morally obligated to be happy. But it has often been hard to be happy when I live in a culture in America and have to deal with my church’s culture as being feminist. I can honestly say that I have never been happier in my life since I watched the Second King teach and live the biblical model for marriage and family starting with his sermon “Breaking the Silence.” I don’t feel alone anymore and have made some awesome friends at Sanctuary who are anti-feminist. Here is a wonderful video by Mr. Prager on happiness. If you want to study him more he has an entire book on the subject. The video is short and you may find it inspirational.
Dennis Prager talks about one of humanity's biggest pursuits--happiness. It's mentioned in the Declaration of Independence. Therapists and psychologists (and...