Hyung Jin Nim teaches Ephesians 5 at his Blessing Workshop. All Fathers should teach it to their children as a core value for a happy marriage. He also teaches Emerson Eggerichs’ book “Love & Respect” which is a must read and every Father should teach this book. Emerson spends hundreds of pages and 6 hours of his video series on just one verse of Ephesians 5. Books change lives. Emerson’s book changed my life for the better when I found it several years ago. It made me a happier person. One of the biggest breakthroughs in my life was discovering the book “Fascinating Womanhood” by Helen Andelin over 30 years ago. I was a feminist and her book started me on the road to be an ant-feminist. At the time I found her book it had a pink cover. It now has a green cover. Tammy Tammy O'Brien held the book recently at Hyung Jin Nim’s Sanctuary Church and talked about how it changed her life and she is now teaching it at Sanctuary.
Over 30 years ago my wife had copies of this book all over our house and was giving it out to friends. One day, I was sitting on a chair and there was a copy of the book on the end table. I am a voracious reader but I had no interest in it. But spirit world pushed me to start reading it. I was mesmerized. She mentioned her husband, Aubrey, had a book for men, and I rushed to the library and devoured it. (Man of Steel and Velvet) Since then I have read many books on men/women relationships and quote some of them in my books. My wife and I have been severely criticized for over 30 years for pushing these books that uplift Ephesians 5. You cannot imagine what I felt when Hyung Jin boldly taught it as a core value. Andrew Wilson has taught feminism that rejects Ephesians 5 as “backward” and “out of date” for many years and the FFWPU has been feminist for decades.
Another writer who has influenced me is Dennis Prager. He teaches we are morally obligated to be happy. But it has often been hard to be happy when I live in a culture in America and have to deal with my church’s culture as being feminist. I can honestly say that I have never been happier in my life since I watched the Second King teach and live the biblical model for marriage and family starting with his sermon “Breaking the Silence.” I don’t feel alone anymore and have made some awesome friends at Sanctuary who are anti-feminist. Here is a wonderful video by Mr. Prager on happiness. If you want to study him more he has an entire book on the subject. The video is short and you may find it inspirational.
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