Tuesday, March 22, 2016


Fraud is defined as “a person who is not what he or she pretends to be : impostor.” An impostor is “one that assumes false identity or title.” Hak Ja Han is an impostor Messiah. She is counterfeit. She also is the fake leader of the FFWPU which is a fake organization. Hyung Jin Nim has fired all the leaders and disbanded the organization. His organization, WPUS, is the true Unification Movement.
The true successor of Sun Myung Moon is his son, not his wife. Father had Hyung Jin Nim and Yeonah Nim perform Blessing ceremonies without him or his wife in the room. He did not have his wife perform Blessing ceremonies all by herself while he was in another room. He wrote a Will that we can see on video where he and his wife praise Hyung Jin Nim and strongly say that anyone who does not accept him as his successor is a “heretic and destroyer”. Hyung Jin Nim’s mother has become a heretic and has destroyed her husband’s theology, books and traditions. She has left her position as object to her husband and object to her son. She has created a matriarchy while we learn in the Constitution that God’s plan is for a Kingdom of Heaven on Earth and there will always be a patriarch, a King. All mankind is object to the King who is in the position of subject. God is a patriarch, the Messiah, the King of Kings, is a patriarch, the successor Kings are patriarchs such as Hyung Jin Moon as the Second King, and every man is the king of his household who makes the final decisions for his family.
The FFWPU is a sham, a hoax. It is like “Satan, the deceiver of the whole world.” Hyung Jin Nim teaches we are in a spiritual battle in the Last Days. God wants his people to be warriors who fight the good fight. It is a time of judgment. Synonyms for judgment are discernment, common sense, wisdom, reason and logic. Hyung Jin Nim teaches his supporters to discern between good and evil. Sanctuary is a place of discernment, common sense and logic.
We are called to judge evil. Jesus said, “Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life. He does not come into judgment.” (John 5) God’s word is given by Hyung Jin Nim and Yeonah Nim. He judges his mother and her satanic organization. “Now is the judgment of this world; now will the ruler of this world be cast out.” (John 12:30)
Those in the Federation and in Sanctuary believe Father is the Messiah but we are in a civil war and the victor will be Hyung Jin Nim. Some in the Federation think they don’t have to fight. They are naïve and unable to discern good and evil and too weak to fight.
The leader of FFWPU, Hak Ja Han is illegitimate. The Federation will die out because it rejects the Second King, the legitimate heir. War is harsh. Other words for harsh are “unpleasantly rough or jarring to the senses, grating, strident, brazen, bold, loud, pushy”. This is the ultimate drama. One side is like a Clint Eastwood action movie and the other is some Woody Allen psychological mess. One side is patriarchal and the other matriarchal. One side is strong and the other weak. One side is bold and of good courage. The other side refuses to fight and childishly acts like the 1960s Make Love, Not War hippies. These sheeple think that anyone who criticizes them is mean and vicious and unsophisticated. They misinterpret the passion for freedom at Sanctuary as “anger”. They misinterpret the absolute black and white language at Sanctuary as hype and hyperbole and long to sing Kumbaya around the campfire after a tearful bridge ceremony. They see themselves as nuanced and complicated. They reject the masculine pronouns for God and struggle with finding new pronouns like He/She for their two Gods. They pray to Heavenly Mother but want their cake and eat it too and believe they are monotheistic.
The Federation is so weak the leaders hide behind their Mother’s skirt sucking their thumbs in fear of acting like men and debating leaders at Sanctuary. The Constitution from Sanctuary is bold and the Constitution from the Federation is a disaster. Mankind has two values systems, two diametrically opposed worldviews of feminism vs. anti-feminism. The truth will win and it will set us free of Satan’s lies. The Federation is lazy. It has blind faith because thinking is hard.

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