In the “Constitution for the United States of Cheon Il Guk” it states that Hyung Jin Moon is “the Crowned Successor and Representative Body of the Cosmic True Parents of Heaven and Earth and full Inheritor of the Kingship of God.” God is a King. That is why Hyung Jin Nim teaches we call God “Heavenly Father” or “our Father” as the Exposition of the Divine Principle teaches. The Constitution says, “Sun Myung Moon–The True Father, the Messiah, Lord at the Second Advent and King of Kings.” Father is the Messiah because he fulfills the role of Adam to be a true father. Heavenly Father did not go to Eve after the Fall. He went to Adam because the leader takes responsibility for the follower.
The job of the Messiah is to bring the truth of the Divine Principle that will save mankind. Adam’s position was to be the King of a Kingdom of Heaven on earth and there would be a succession of Kings forever. Adam was supposed to the King of Kings. Jesus came to fulfill that role but became the Second Adam and the world had to wait 2000 years for God to prepare the world to accept the Third and final Adam. Sun Myung Moon is the Lord of the Second Advent, the King of Kings.
There are never two heads of any organization. There are not two heads of God, two heads of the Messiah, or two heads of households. The word used to describe this focus on masculine leadership is patriarchy. Satan’s ideology is the opposite. Its focus is on weakening, emasculating and castrating masculinity. It is the ideology of matriarchy.
There are never two heads of any organization. There are not two heads of God, two heads of the Messiah, or two heads of households. The word used to describe this focus on masculine leadership is patriarchy. Satan’s ideology is the opposite. Its focus is on weakening, emasculating and castrating masculinity. It is the ideology of matriarchy.
The Constitution says, “Authority of the King: The King of CIG is the head of state of the United States of CIG. The Kingship is bequeathed from the Lord of the Second Advent Moon Sun Myung to his son Moon Hyung Jin as second King and then to Moon Shin Joon as third King. The Kingship will be bequeathed henceforth to a son of the presiding King. If the King has no son then the Kingship will be bequeathed to a male heir within the direct lineage of Moon Hyung Jin. The King will decide who his inheritor is and will establish the order of succession.”
There are no Queens in power in the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. There is no Queendom of Heaven on Earth and no Kingdom and Queendom of Heaven on Earth. It is patriarchal with one male head of God as Heavenly Father, a lineage of male leadership as Kings of the world and only men as heads of their households. There is no co-leaders and no female leaders as God, as the Messiah, as the King of the world and as leaders of families.
Mrs. Sun Myung Moon presented a public image of object to her husband as subject but immediately after he passed she usurped the position of King. She sat in her husband’s chair and fired Hyung Jin because he would not pray in the name of her ditheistic God. Hyung Jin Nim pleaded with her not to be a feminist that emasculates God and men but she slapped him in the face and kicked him out. Hyung Jin Nim went into the wilderness of rural Pennsylvania and waited until it was evident with anyone who has eyes to see and ears to hear that his mother was on a feminist power trip.
He and Kook Jin Nim state in the Constitution that there has been a “failure of Han Mother at the final hour, the world moves through a period of judgment instead of blessing and the providence has been extended over three generations to the Three Kingships of God.” The future Kings of the world will be in the blood lineage of Sun Myung Moon. We read: “I, Hyung Jin Moon, take my rightful place as King of the Second Kingship of the Kingdom of God, Cheon Il Guk, as the Crowned Successor and Representative Body of the Cosmic True Parents of Heaven and Earth and full Inheritor of the Kingship of God, with all the authority endowed in me by my Father, Sun Myung Moon—The True Father, Messiah, Lord at the Second Advent and King of Kings.”
Hyung Jin has publicly fired his mother and every leader in her defunct organization, FFWPU, and has started a true organization, WPUS, or Sanctuary Church for short. Heavenly Father and True Father want every person on earth and in spirit world and every person born in the future to support Hyung Jin Nim and the future Kings from his blood lineage. God and Father want Hak Ja Han to repent of her rebellion and support her son as the Second King. There is not supposed to be a break in the patriarchal line of authority from Sun Myung Moon. There will always be a King on earth and he and his wife will be representative True Parents. We now have the magnificent couple of Hyung Jin and Yeonah Moon as the representative True Parents from Father’s blood lineage. All mankind is called to humble themselves to their leadership. Yeonah Nim has publicly bowed to her son and pledged she will not usurp his position if her husband dies before her. Her mother-in-law should do the same as Yeonah who is acting like a true woman who respects the teachings of Subject and Object in the Divine Principle and the words of Sun Myung Moon. She teaches this concept by using a sports analogy. The husband is like a head coach and the wife is like an assistant coach. Sanctuary Church teaches this vertical relationship of leadership and authority. Federation teaches the exact opposite. They have been digested by the feminist culture that Satan is the ruler of.
Hyung Jin Nim teaches that the Bible is scripture and denounces his mother’s mouthpiece, Andrew Wilson, and all those at the fraudulent FFWPU for rejecting the truth of Ephesians 5. In the Constitution we read: “The division of the sexes being ordained by God where man is the subject partner and woman is the object partner, congress shall pass no law that contradicts this divine edict.”
Long live the King!
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