Monday, November 9, 2015


Andrew Wilson criticizes the brothers in FFWPU and all men for the last 6000 years for not being very good listeners to their wives. He abhors the traditional biblical model of marriage where the man is the head of the household and the wife respects his leadership by submitting to his final decisions. He says no family at FFWPU lives like that and those at Sanctuary who live by the outdated, behind the times Bible are to be laughed at. He makes fun of Ephesians 5 and gets the brothers and sisters of the New Jersey church to laugh at the Neanderthals in Pennsylvania.
In my research and study of conservative Christians who organize their marriages by Ephesians 5, Wayne Grudem has had a huge influence on my understanding of what a godly husband is supposed to be like. He has books (such as Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood: A Response to Evangelical Feminism) and YouTube videos of lectures on men/women relationships. He is one of the most noted theologians in America.
Liberal Christian churches and denominations are rejecting traditional masculinity just as FFWPU is doing. Like the FF many Christians are attacking the masculine Heavenly Father. This is a key strategy of Satan to weaken the church. Grudem writes in his book Evangelical Feminism: A New Path to Liberalism? that the “egalitarian agenda will not stop simply with the rejection of male headship in marriage….There is something much deeper at stake. At the foundation of egalitarianism is a dislike and a rejection of anything uniquely masculine. It is a dislike of manhood itself.” “Following the denial of male headship in marriage, and the denial of ‘manhood’ and anything uniquely masculine other than the physical differences among human beings, it is to be expected that egalitarians would blur and then deny God’s identity as our Father. This is exactly what has recently happened in egalitarian writings.”
And then he proceeds to quote from books pushing to call God “Heavenly Mother”: “What is the doctrinal direction to which egalitarianism leads? To an abolition of anything distinctly masculine. An androgynous Adam. A God who is both Father and Mother, and then a God who is Mother…feminists are revising our understanding of God our Father as revealed in the Bible. They are thus changing the doctrine of God as revealed in Scripture to make people think of God as ‘Our Mother in Heaven’.” They are undermining the authority of the Bible in its very description of God himself. Changing our idea of God is nearly the final step on the path toward liberalism.” And that step is approval of homosexuality.
Wilson knows nothing about the millions of conservative Christians like Wayne Grudem who teach and live by Ephesians 5 which is the cornerstone belief for marriage at Sanctuary. Wilson not only blasts Sanctuary but all brothers at FFWPU because they are like all men who since the beginning of time have disparaged and denigrated women. Men, basically, don’t give a damn what any woman thinks. They are slave masters.
Does Yeonah looked like she is oppressed and never listened to? She says repeatedly that Hyung Jin and her talk things over and they are one in thought. Wayne Grudem’s wife, Margaret, says she is listened to and respected. Watch the 5 minute below of a video of them talking about their marriage.
In his book “Evangelical Feminism and Biblical Truth” he writes, “Margaret and I have been married now for 43 years, and some readers might be interested in how the Bible’s teachings work in our own marriage. I think we would both say that we have never been happier together than we are now, for God has given much blessing to our marriage.”
The sisters at the New Jersey Familyfed cheered when Andrew asked them if their husband’s didn’t care for their thoughts and feelings. I suggest to those sisters and to their husbands who Andrew thinks so little of that you might want to consider jumping ship and being in a church where women are respected even though they are in the politically incorrect position of “assistant coach” to their husband who is the “head coach” that our feminist culture thinks is demeaning.
I know you are busy but I hope you take 5 minutes to see Ephesians 5 in action in the following video. Maybe someday Andrew will give book titles and videos of egalitarian marriages.

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